Fábrica de Municiones de Granada, logo

FM Granada

Munitions Specialist

Large calibre ammunition, propellants and missiles

About Company

Founded in 2019, Fábrica de Municiones de Granada (FMG) continues in a nearly 700-year tradition of manufacturing gunpowder and powder charges in Granada, Spain.

  • This company develops and manufactures large-caliber tank and artillery ammunition.
  • It manufactures high-performance single-component propellants for medium-caliber ammunition and EOD equipment for military and civilian pyrotechnics and security forces.
  • It develops and manufactures key components for ammunition and missiles.
  • Company Address
    Fábrica de Municiones de Granada Sl.

    C/Ctra. Murcia, s/n
    18182 El Fargue (Granada)

    Fábrica de Municiones de Granada, CSG