JATIS - Aircraft Maintenance Planning and Management Information System

One of Job Air Technic's key innovative aircraft repair projects is JATIS. This is an information system that will help plan and manage aircraft maintenance. Its effectiveness is enhanced by the fact that it uses artificial intelligence in maintenance planning. The system was developed by CS Soft.

The main objective of JATIS is to improve efficiency, increase flexibility and overall streamline production. By using advanced planning algorithms and machine learning, it will be possible to better plan and predict the progress of aircraft maintenance projects.

Connection to the existing information system will enable real-time monitoring of maintenance progress, availability of materials and other resources and constraints. In addition, this will significantly reduce the administrative burden on management staff.

JATIS was developed for Job Air Technic by sister company CS Soft, which has many years of experience in software development for the aerospace industry.

At the beginning of 2023, the server on which the JATIS system is operated was delivered. After intensive development, the first acceptance tests followed. Testing was planned so that the system would be ready for live production deployment by the end of 2023.

JATIS represents a significant step forward in the use of modern information technology in the industry and Job Air Technic believes that it will help the company to strengthen its market position, achieve a higher level of service and ensure customer and employee satisfaction.
